Masaże i rytuały na Ibizie

Massages and rituals

Reiki, holistic massages, sound therapy using gongs and crystal bowls and many other rituals. In your garden or in the picturesque outdoors of heavenly Ibiza.

Allow yourself unlimited relaxation.

Reiki energy healing

The reiki method involves controlling the flow of energy with good thoughts. These thoughts vibrate energy, and the stronger they are, the greater happiness and health we experience.

Positive vibrations help attract good luck.

Sound therapy

Thanks to their sound, Tibetan bowls vibrate our body into a state of harmony, stimulate the immune system and support self-healing processes. They are great tools for therapy, massage, meditation and relaxation.

Gongs – the vibrations of gongs penetrate the body, stimulating cells to vibrate, which are often full of toxins, stagnation, and impurities resulting from unremoved metabolic products. The vibrations stimulate cells to detoxify and get rid of unnecessary ballast.

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